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Neuronicon Technology sold to the pharmaceutical group Lundbeck. Through research, Neuronicon has produced new knowledge that in the long term can lead to new types of medicine that can curb serious brain diseases, for example Alzheimer’s, and disabling brain...
ResoTher Pharma ApS

ResoTher Pharma ApS

ResoTher Pharma develops new drugs with anti-inflammatory effect for patients who have had a heart attack. ProblemBlood clots in the heart are a very frequent cause of death. There is a growing prevalence of deaths globally due to increasing life expectancy. According...
TeesuVac ApS

TeesuVac ApS

TeesuVac is developing an effective biopsy gun that takes precise tissue samples from breast and prostate tissue when examining patients for cancer ProblemIt can be a time-consuming process to extract biopsies from e.g. breast tissue and at the same time an unpleasant...
Servicelovers ApS

Servicelovers ApS

EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AND COMMITMENT PROVIDES BETTER SERVICE AND EARNINGS ProblemIn the physical locations in the service industry (retail, restaurant, hotel and entertainment), employees are the most important factor for a good customer experience. Several analyzes...
Octato ApS

Octato ApS

The company is developing the game “Airhead”, to be published by HandyGames. Website: Follow: FollowFollowFollow CEO: Jacob Honore Company: Octato ApS Registered office: Copenhagen Founded: 2017 Investors: Founders and CAPNOVA...