Shortens month-long waiting lists across the country.
MediConnect has developed a new network-based supply system for the electronic dissemination of specialist medical examinations.
The company was founded in 2001 by a married couple from Aarhus. CAPNOVA invested in the company at the very beginning and also helped the company to devise a development strategy and put together an effective board of directors. CAPNOVA exited the company in 2005 with a profit.
MediConnect’s system has made the handling of special medical certificates for municipalities and patients much smoother and thus significantly reduced the waiting time. Previously, it could take up to six months for a municipal caseworker to get a special medical certificate for a citizen, but with Mediconnect’s system it takes somewhere between a few days and a few weeks, and the caseworker is able to inform the citizen about the time course of the case.
In addition to providing citizens with a better service, MediConnect’s system also means more transparency and thus more competition in the market for specialist medical certificates.
In 2005, MediConnect was sold to Kommuneinformation A/S.
Mediconnect is today a department under EG A/S and now also services the insurance industry, pension companies and more.
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